版本需求:Android 2.2 以上版本
This app and Mr. Toolbox included in your Fame Toys® model are all you need to get started with your project. Your Fame Toys® model comes with Mr. Toolbox, the motor driver for controlling motor speed and direction. Download and install this app to your Android tablet or smartphone in a few easy steps. This app will take you through Bluetooth pairing process to easily connect to your Mr. Toolbox. Build your Fame Toys® model with Mr. Toolbox and run it with this app, the easy-to-use Bluetooth controller!
This app serves as the Bluetooth controller to control Mr. Toolbox motor driver via Bluetooth. This app provides the interface with the direction arrows (Up, Down, Right, Left) for controlling two motors A and B simultaneously, and the two sliders with the two small direction arrows (Up, Down) for controlling the speed and direction of motors A or B independently.
Steps for downloading, installing and Bluetooth setting
Download this app, install to your Android tablet or smartphone and open the app.
Touch the screen and the dialog box says there are no devices that have been paired.
Click “Scan for devices” button.
Select the device from the list of devices scanned.
You can touch the device name to edit your device name, such as “my controller” or any name you may like.
Pull down the notification bar from the top of the screen to find the pairing request.
In the Bluetooth pairing request process, find “Type the device's required PIN: ” section.
Enter the default PIN number 1234.
Once Bluetooth pairing set-up is done, you are ready to roll!
When Bluetooth is functioning, the notification bar from the top of the screen displays the message such as “get data from blueing” or “blueing” during communication.
Finishing or playing again with this app
When you are done playing, click the bottom right button and click “Exit” button.
When you want to play again, open the app, click the bottom right button, and click “Connect Device” button to pair the device again.
How to play with this app
The direction arrows (Up, Down, Right, Left) at the top work in the following ways:
two motors A and B start spinning forward simultaneously.
two motors A and B start spinning backward simultaneously.
Motor A starts spinning clockwise and Motor B starts spinning counterclockwise simultaneously.
The vehicle turns right.
Motor A starts spinning counterclockwise and Motor B starts spinning clockwise simultaneously.
The vehicle turns left.
The sliders and the small direction arrows (Up, Down) at the bottom work in the following ways:
(A) sliders and the small direction arrows (Up, Down):
Sliding the knob to the right increases the speed for Motor A.
Pressing Up small direction arrows starts Motor A spinning forward.
Pressing Down small direction arrows starts Motor A spinning backward.
(B) sliders and the small direction arrows (Up, Down):
Sliding the knob to the right increases the speed for Motor B.
Pressing Up small direction arrows starts Motor B spinning forward.
Pressing Down small direction arrows starts Motor B spinning backward.
Additional resources
Read the getting started guides, find active and helpful communities or learn more and find answers at www.fame.toys!